
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Dictionaries for Eagle View Christian School Third Graders!

Today George and I went to Eagle View Christian School to give dictionaries to their third graders.
Their students were very surprised when they received their new books!

These little books have a tremendous amount of information in them about:  every state in the USA, US Presidents, Planets, Sign Language Alphabet, Braille Alphabet, the longest word (over 1900 letters!) and so much more.

A special "Thank You" to Barbie Ballou, the staff and students at Eagle View Christian School for their warm welcome!  It's always a joy just being there.

The students all had their noses in their new books!  Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. Christian schools provide a learning environment that integrates Christian values and teachings into the curriculum. Students have the opportunity to develop a strong foundation in their faith and deepen their understanding of Christian principles. Christian school Winnipeg prioritize the holistic development of students, focusing not only on academics but also on character formation. They strive to instill virtues such as compassion, integrity, kindness, and responsibility in students, helping them grow into well-rounded individuals.
